Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight?

They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple.

The missing link between you and your ideal body is your go-to list of excuses.

Start with an excuse and expect to be excused from losing weight. Here are seven excuses that have ensured dieters will fail in their weight-loss attempts before they ever get started.

Excuse #1: I’ve Always Been Overweight.

Here’s a little secret: feeling sorry for yourself will not help you lose weight. Quite the contrary. Whining and crying that you’ve never been thin can actually work against you, as you start to see yourself as stuck being overweight. Do that long enough and all you can see in your future is an overweight you. If you’re going to really cut your weight, you’ve got to be able to envision a lighter you.

Excuse #2: I Worked Out, So I Can Eat Whatever

Working out often makes you hungry. That’s a good thing. You just burned a bunch of calories and your body is looking to make up for them. However, just because you burned a few hundred calories doesn’t mean you get to indulge in any and every food you see. And you certainly can’t eat as much as you want.

Excuse #3: I Don’t Have Time to Exercise

Spend a few days documenting how you use your time. Write down each and every thing you do and how long you do it for. You’ll soon notice how much time you throw in the trash by mindlessly surfing your favourite social media sites and watching television. Transform those times into workout opportunities and toss the time excuse in the trash.

Excuse #4: Exercise Hurts

Okay you are going to experience some initial pain from working out but this will ease as you progress and become fitter and stronger. Also remember that you DO NOT have to batter yourself 7 days a week in the gym, that’s simply not sustainable. Why not fill up your non-training days with going for a walk and clocking up 10,000 steps. Walking is extremely good for you, has little impact on the joints and if you can get yourself out in the fresh air then it’s a WIN/WIN.

Excuse #5: I Love Junk Food

This may seem a hurdle too large to overcome, but if you’re willing to fight for your weight loss, it can be done. To convince yourself that healthy food doesn’t have to be disgusting, spend more time with health-conscious friends who cook and live healthily. Eat what they eat. You’ll be amazed at the wide range of flavours to savour on a healthy diet.

Excuse #6: It’s No Fun Doing It Alone

Then stop trying to do it alone! Grab your 30+ Men’s Fitness friends and surround yourself with them. When you’re tempted to go off track with your diet or want to skip a workout, call or text your friends for immediate support. They’ll prop you up, remind you of your goals, and encourage you to stay the course.

Excuse #7: My Body Is Delicate

First off, before you start an exercise routine, it’s a good idea to run the idea by your doctor. However, unless you have an incredibly rare condition, exercises done with proper technique and eating healthily will not put you at risk for anything but improved health. As soon as you accept the fact that your body can handle much more than you’ve put it through, the sooner you’ll begin enjoying exercise and make better use of your body.

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