NEAT is the Secret to Fat Loss

NEAT is the Secret to Fat Loss

N.E.A.T stands for Non – Exercise – Activity – Thermogenesis which is basically the calories your burn on a day-to-day basis doing day-to-day stuff. Think taking the dogs for a walk, hanging out the washing, taking the stairs instead of the lift, standing rather than...
Should You Track Your Calories?

Should You Track Your Calories?

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m delighted there is a more common sense approach emerging in the fitness industry now when it comes to fat loss. For years it seems that calories were never considered (I was never taught about calorie counting on my personal...
Stop worrying about these 3 things

Stop worrying about these 3 things

Stop worrying about these 3 things 1 – Chemicals As far back as 5 years ago the fitness industry became obsessed with ‘eating clean’ which basically encouraged a very restrictive type of diet. It was all based around eating foods as natural as possible (which isn’t a...
Motivation is a waste of time

Motivation is a waste of time

This one might shock you but I truly believe that motivation isn’t a big factor in transforming your body…. Hear me out lads, especially if you think motivation is gonna pull you through Look, here’s what I believe for what its worth…. Motivation will play a part, in...
Why wait till Monday

Why wait till Monday

Having been in this game almost 11 years and been coaching over 30s men specifically for around 7 years, I understand I am never going to change the habits of most lads’ weekends. I’ve never been shy to admit I love a few beers on the weekend and junk food too....